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Community Safety Teams

Support for settings of children who are at risk of exclusion, youth violence and child exploitation.



There are a number of meetings that take place to ensure community safety. Meetings are strategic, tactical and operational. Meetings are multi-disciplinary and will hold different relevant members of the Bristol City Council Education service who will coordinate work and communication to the education workforce. 

These will follow the locality model and will be represented either by: 

We mapped these meetings visually - Click on the image for a higher definition that you can zoom in on.  




Please navigate the links below to access pages for more information about meetings, teams and how to share information. 


Ad hoc






Bristol City Council 


Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Neighbourhood teams - find out what is going in your area and how to contact your local policing team


How to share information 

Child protection/Crime and concerns for immediate safety

  • to the police on 999 if you are currently witnessing a child being harmed or in a situation of immediate risk 
  • to the police on 101 if you have evidence that a crime has taken place
  • Give us information about a suspected vulnerable or exploited person | Avon and Somerset Police




Sharing with Locality Community Safety tactical meetings - complete the webform.


Reporting to LA teams - operational meetings - nonurgent community Antisocial Behaviour and Safer Options  - complete the webform