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The Solihull Approach, FREE parenting courses for parents and carers

For all parents and professionals working with children on understanding trauma, attachment and brain development


Free online courses to help parents and carers understand their children’s feelings better and how they can support their children through the years as they grow and develop.

The courses cover stages of a child’s development and give helpful advice to support the emotional health and wellbeing of both children and parents and carers.

It increases the accessibility of parenting programmes through online courses – a helpful starting point before face to face groups.

It is universal - early intervention and prevention – it's for everyone!

What's on offer? 

Courses are available on the following subjects:

  • Understanding your child (0-19 years)
  • Understanding your child with additional needs
  • Understanding your child’s feelings
  • Understanding your teenagers
  • Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
  • Understanding Pregnancy, Labour, Birth and Your Baby
  • Understanding your baby
  • Understanding your child’s mental health and well being
  • Understanding your relationships

Actions to consider

Publicise the courses on your websites, in your newsletters, in the reception area at your setting...

Sign up to receive emails that can be forwarded to families.

Use the available resources to help publicise - posters/ post cards

Complete it yourself so you know how good it is and can share your knowledge. THESE COURSES ARE FOR EVERYONE, LET'S NORMALISE THEM!

Use the training modules and complete the feedback.


Bristol City Council Family Hub website where you can access all of the age related resources and instructions on how to sign up

Parenting courses for parents and carers (