Managing allegations against staff (and other professionals) |
The setting has robust policies and procedures on managing allegations against staff (for childminders - this includes themselves) supply staff, volunteers, visitors, and other adults that work directly with children (including foster carers) |
The setting does not have clear procedures around managing allegations about staff.
There is a clear process of who is doing what and what evidence is gathered.
Designated safeguarding leads, headteachers/principals and governing bodies are aware of local procedures around how allegations made against teachers and other staff members are managed. - This includes the expectations to manage allegations for supply staff.
The setting has appropriate capacity to take proportionate action without compromising a statutory process. This can include undertaking an effective fact-finding investigation and accessing appropriate HR Advice.
There is evidence that relevant staff know when to contact the LADO how to seek advice and guidance.
There setting has a secure (separate to the child’s file) of where concerns about professionals are stored.
- Mystery shop with staff.
- Quality assurance of policies and procedures from governing body around timeliness of referral, proportionality, quality of paperwork (statements)
- Quality of evidence is supported from CCTV and knowledge of systems available.
- Wider cultures are evaluated and fedback into the safer working practice development.
- There is evidence of a second opinion being obtained when there maybe professional disagreements. |
The setting has capacity to undertake or commission a formal investigation when required. |
There are limited resources and capacity for the setting to undertake an investigation when formally requested to. |
Appropriate members of the senior leadership team and the governing body/proprietor or equivalent have had training in how to undertake an internal investigation (e.g. at the request of the LADO or due to a complaint). |
There are many colleagues who can undertake a formal investigation if directed to. |