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Model policies

This page outlines local model policies for safeguarding in schools.


This page contains model documents relating to safeguarding that you may find helpful to implement in your setting. You may want to use these policies in their entirety or use them to benchmark existing policies that are already in use. 

Developing good policy practice

It is important that policies are usable and accessible.

When using a model policy do consider the following:

  1. Processes and practices reflect arrangements in your setting. Every setting is resourced differently; what you do day-to-day should be reflected in your policy.
  2. Ensure that appropriate and up to date guidance is referenced.
  3. For consideration of what you need to publish and make accessible on your school website, please consider using the government guidance Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts.
  4. Consider how you translate policy into effective practice for staff - by developing understanding and retention of knowledge. It is more effective to develop competencies around accessing the policy use than getting colleagues to read and sign to say that they have read it once an academic year.
  5. Think about the accessibility of your policies to children and staff. Do you need to create an easy read version for your families? Do you have a translate button on your website that will require you to upload policies in a format that assistive software can assist with?

Changes in statutory guidance

Keeping Children Safe in Education is often renewed on an annual basis to reflect national trends and best practice development.

The most recent changes have been summarised by the London Grid for Learning - they have videos and resources to support you with some of the changes and developments. KCSIE | LGFL